Studying on your own or already taking a Spanish class?
Learn, improve and practice your Spanish-language skills with the resources in this section.

Find resources with progressive lessons under General Lessons. That means you can follow lessons building up from beginning to intermediate and advanced levels. These may be especially helpful if you are learning on your own and some of them allow you to track your progress.

Focus on individual skills you want to increase your knowledge of, improve or review: Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Listening and Reading and Writing. The resources in each category may include lessons, quizzes, activities, games and/or a combination of all of these.

Play Learning Games to exercise your brain and have some fun with the language. If you are following the progressive lessons, you may want play the games for a nice break.

General Lessons

These sites have lessons you can follow from one lesson to another in an orderly manner, building up from beginning to intermediate and advanced levels. These may be especially helpful if you are learning on your own and some of them allow you to track your progress.


Study Spanish: Spanish Grammar
Grammar lessons that you can listen on more than 10 topics to including genders of nouns, verb tenses, adjectives, adverbs and more.

Study Spanish: Spanish Verbs
Lessons and quizzes you can custom generate on the different verb tenses and forms.

123 Teach Me
See how to conjugate any verb with this Spanish verb conjugator (enter the infinitive form of the verb in the box).


Study Spanish
Vocabulary lists arranged by topic with the word in English and in Spanish.

Practice your vocabulary and learn new words by matching spoken words and/or phrases with the written equivalent.

World Reference
Spanish-English dictionary.

Spanish-English dictionary with the pronunciation for each word.

Internet Picture Dictionary: Spanish
Visual dictionary: browse words with pictures by categories.


Study Spanish: Pronunciation
Pronunciation lessons on 50 topics that you can listen to.

Lawless Spanish
Lessons on accents, hard and soft letters and vowel sounds with sound files so you can listen to the words.


123 Teach Me: Conversational Spanish
For beginning, intermediate and advanced learners to enhance Spanish Conversation skills .


123 Teach Me: Games
Match games, memory games, crossword puzzles and more.

Please note: All of the resources you reach when you click on a link in this section are free. In some cases, the website may charge a fee for additional services, such as for more advanced lessons, for purchasing or downloading materials and/or for tutoring. You will not be charged unless you provide a form of payment, like a credit card number. Also, some of the websites may require that you register which will be noted with the phrase “registration required” in the resource’s description. In most cases you will only need to provide a name and create a password to do so. Finally, there are some library databases among the resources. You will need to type in your library card number to access them.